Happy Sunday SNH’ers,
After the fiasco with the aphids, we are rebuilding. The pole beans have been replanted and another row has been set to grow into the chicken wire fence. We also have some good stuff coming out this week. We took another harvest of jalapenos. Mrs. SNH kindly let me have a few slices to make the salsa (pic below) with a ripe tomato from the garden. She also made some fantastic garlic cheese bread that I will post later.
I also got the opportunity to pick a fine yellow bell pepper which was used in a lasagna on Saturday night. I have really enjoyed the fresh produce coming out of the garden. The flavor has been much better than the store bought stuff.
Speaking of store bought, the local publix is charging 3.99/lb on fresh tomatoes. At that rate, if you can grow them, they really are a money saver. I would estimate that we are about $.03 in for each tomato plant. Talk about some value!
The Folks are also having some success out in California with their tomatoes. Their plants are fully loaded at this point and just waiting to ripen. I’ll see if I can’t find a picture and post that too.
Hope you are all staying safe. Keep investing, growing and loving your family!