I have had lots of harvests the last few weeks along with lots of preparation for the fall and winter gardening season. New plants include the following:
Red Potatoes
Pickling Cucumbers
Radishes (wow, those grew quickly)
Beets again, but they have really failed
Swiss Chard
Lacinato Kale
Texas Grano Short Day Onions
Garlic (Transylvania and Silver White)
Sugar Snap Peas
Here are some pics of where we are after some weeding/cleaning and prep work.
Big view of the garden, my recently tested method of using cardboard to clear weeds is working well. The lettuce bed, lowest and right as well as the upper left bed is now weed free!My sprawling Seminole pumpkin, the first one to fertilize!The baby sister to the first pumpkin!These delicious beauties are better than any water melon sugar high!
Processed into our own version of Tabasco sauce. Great flavor, we only used vinegar and salt. This cured for about a year from the covid garden. We have new recruits curing now.I cannot believe how much okra we have been pulling out of the garden. Too much!Okra, Jalapenos, Tabascos and a few Jimmy Nardello peppers. It was a spicy September!Sugar Snap peas starting to fill in the old tomato bed. They should climb the trellis soon.Avocado seedling that we started from the harvest of a friend. 7 years to Avocados!Texas Grano and Red Creole Onions for a fall crop. I haven’t had much success with seed onions, but here we go trying to grow through winter as recommended by some of the locals.The last of our Kale. We put it into a white bean and chicken concoction. Thank you Mrs. SNH, it was delicious.The ugly bits of the garden. Cardboard is down now to kill the massive weed growth. We had great results in the raised beds by laying down cardboard over the weeds. I’ll report back in a month on how that turned out.Finally, some saved harvest. Canned today to save for the next year. Pickled with dill, black peppercorn and salt, we will try the pickled okra on sandwiches and the pickled jalapenos will go great on nachos!
Keep it growing. Keep doing things smarter not harder. Be careful with your stock plays right now, I am seeing lots of volatility in the market.