After a few trips to the grocery store, Mrs. SNH and I have noticed that the quantity and variety of foods in the grocery stores are fewer. The prices are also increasing rapidly with inflation.
In continuing to be more self sustaining, I am debating about the best varieties of fruits to add to the landscape to improve our food security. We currently have 2 very young orange trees, but they won’t produce until 2023 based on their size.
I put together a brief plan based on harvest season so we can see something likely coming in from the fruit trees every other month or so. If there are any suggestions for other *fruit* trees that do well in 9A, please let me know. We are not generally fans of mango, papaya or guava. Ordering season for fruit trees is typically November through March, so I have a bit of time to plan before ordering.

I would love to entertain some of the southern apple varieties (Anna, Golden Dorsett, Pettingill and Tropic Sweet). At this time though, there is unreliable information if it will grow well in our environment.
Have a great day.
Mr. SNH.